Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easy first Aid and safe remedy of Biochemichal salts

This is a very simple, effective and cheap system of treatment; having no ill effect. It can be used for day to day ailments cropping up in life. Any literate person can easily grasp the system by a little study. As such that it should be spread in rural India where there is still no medical facility available. Dr. W.H. Schuessler of Oldenberg in Germany is considered the founder of this system of treatment. The constituents of the human body are useful to treat the ailments. It is found out by chemical analysis that the tissue (minerals) salts of the human body are composed of mainly twelve salts. The correct balance of which must be maintained to ensure normal cell function and good health. The human body is made of 7/10 part water, 1/10 part tissues and 2/10 part organic matter. So the imbalance of the mineral salts causes illness.

The deficiency of one or more of these salts in the human system can be fulfilled by supplying  them in readily assimilated form which passes in to bloodstream and therefore cells. Thus the balance of mineral salts is brought back to normal and illness gets treated.

It is important to note that the biochemic mineral salts are not drugs but valuable micro dose cell foods prepared homeopathically in an extremely subdivided form which ensures rapid assimilation for restoration of natural balance of body system.
Contrary to popular belief Biochemic therapies are not homoeopathic remedies but are made with homoeopathic system of preparation for functional indication i.e. potentized. However most homoeopaths prescribe biochemic remedies often alone or with some other homoeopathic remedies.

The principal of biochemic medicine is based on supplying pathological deficiencies in the tissues. So these medicines which in the minute doses are NOT harmful in any way even if the selection is not correct.

Potencies :These remedies are used  in potencies such as

For acute diseases 3x or 6x.

For chronic diseases 12x, 30x , 200x or c.

For general use 6x is suitable

Doses : Half to one grain / Tablet for a baby

One to two grains for children

Three to five grains for adults.

As salts are not poisonous or injurious, it is not necessary to be very accurate in weighing the dose.
In chronic diseases one or two doses a day are sufficient. In acute diseases more frequent doses are required – 6 to 8 doses a day or more.
In convulsions,haemorrhage, pain, high fever etc, doses may be given every half an hour.

Mode of administration : The best method is to dissolve the powder of the dose in a spoonful of hot water immediately before administrating. The powder or tablets may also be given dry on tongue.

In some cases single remedy is sufficient to supply deficiency indicated by the disease. In most cases however it is necessary to use two or more remedies. They can be administered together or mixed together.

The tissue remedies can be used with great benefit externally, on wounds, burns and scalds, inflammations on any part of body, affections of mouth, nose, piles etc.

If the skin is abraded and the surface is raw the powder ( 2x or 3x) may be dissolved in water ( 10 to 20 grains per ounce) and cloth dipped in this solution placed on the affected part; this cloth must be constantly moistened.

Gargles of similar solutions may be used in mouth affections.

Ointment prepared by mixing one part of powder ( 3X) with two parts of vaseline or butter may be applied to piles or ulcers etc.

Now we will see the main characteristics of the twelve biochemic mineral salts and their indicative symptoms  which will help us to deside the medicine to be given to a patiaent :-

1. Calcarea Fluorica ( Calcium Fluoride) : It helps maintain tissue elasticity and is beneficial for conditions of over relaxed fibers. It is indicated in hemorrhoids; enlarged veins; excessive menstrual discharge; hemorrhage from any part; prolepse and displacement of womb; hard swellings of glands, of breast, uterus etc. goiter; difficult expectoration of hard lumps; dilation of the bronchial tubes ; cataract. Calcaria fluor assists normal blood circulation and treatment of cracked skin; muscle strain; and injured ligaments. It helps strengthen the bones ,teeth and blood vessels.

2. Cacarea Phos ( Calcium Phosphate) : It is an important constituent of bone and teeth. It is found in gastric juice and plays a great part in digestion and assimilation. It is indicated in deficient development of children; rickets; spinal weakness; teething disorders, anaemia,cronic enlargement of tonsils; goiter; dyspepsia; muscular cramps and pain during menstruation – specially helpful for young girls. It should be given intercurrently in chronic diseases.

3. Calcarea Sulph ( Calcium Sulphate) : A constituent of connective tissue, mucous membranes and skin. It helps clear away accumulations of non functional decaying matter. This material may otherwise lay dormant and damage surrounding tissue. It is indicated in suppurating skin diseases; long continued suppuration in wounds; suppuration of tonsillitis; advance stage of lung diseases; pneumonia.

4. Ferrum Phos ( Phosphate of Iron) : It gives strength to walls of blood vessels,supplies the red colour to the blood corpuscles and regarded as the oxygen carrier. It is indicated whenever there is inflammation; in fevers; in pains; throbbing; common cold; acute rheumatism etc.

5. Kali Mur ( Potassium Chloride ) : Creates fibrins and helps blood to hold fibrins in the proper solution. It is indicated in the second stage of inflammatory diseases; in catarrhal diseases; pneumonia; sore throat etc., with thick white phlegm and with white or grey coating on tongue; gastric irritation; leucorrhoea with non irritating white discharge; eczema and skin eruption; glandular swellings rheumatism with swelling in joints.

6. Kali Phos ( Potassium Phosphate ) : Forms an important component of the grey matter of the brain and nerves. It is a nerve tonic. It is indicated by mental disorders; diseases of the brain & nerves; depression; exhaustion; irritability; children’s tantrums; nervous palpitation; hysteria; neuralgic pain; sciatica ; insomnia; asthma; cholera; typhoid; incontinence of urine; paralysis; septic and gangrenous conditions.

7. Kali Sulph ( Potassium Sulphate ) : Kali sulph works in conjunction with Ferrum Phos as an oxygen carrier and furnishes vitality to epithelial cells. It is indicated catarrhal problems associated with yellowish or greenish discharge particularly from mucous membranes of the nose or vagina. eczema and skin diseases with scaling or sticky exudation; chicken pox etc.

8. Magnesia Phos ( Magnesium Phosphate) : Creates and controls the white fibres of nerves and muscles. It is one of the mineral element of bones, teeth, brain, nerves, blood and muscle cells. It is indicated in all spasmodic conditions, neuralgia and pains of spasmodic character, diarrhea with flatulent colic and cramps, menstrual colic, spasmodic retention of urine, spasmodic cough, whooping cough, toothache and acute pain in general Important remedy for baby’s colic.

9. Natrum Mur (Sodium Chloride) : It is common salt. Found in large quantity in human body in which it brings about proper distribution of water. It is indicated in skin diseases with watery symptoms, watery cold ( running nose and eye watering ) , respiratory diseases with thin watery expectoration; catarrh of mucous membranes; dull headache; constipation with profuse tears; sunstroke; intermittent fevers.

10. Natrum Phos ( Sodium Phosphet) : Natrum Phos helps maintain the alkalinity of the bood, emulsifies fatty acids and keeps uric acid soluble in blood. It prevents acid fermentation and eliminates carbonic acid through lungs. It is indicated in all acid conditions of the system; febrile conditions; digestive disorders; diarrhea with acid symptoms; rheumatism with sour smelling perspiration; disorder due to intestinal worms; when there is thick yellow coating on the tongue and exudations are creamy golden yellow.

11. Natrum Sulph ( Sodium Sulphate) : It regulates the quantity of water in the tissues and in the body fluids and if necessary eliminates excess fluid. It keeps the bile in a normal consistency. It is biochemic aid for the liver, spleen and kidneys. It is indicated in diseases of liver; jaundice; gall- stones; bilious headache; dirty, greenish grey coating on the tongue and bitter taste; vomiting in pregnancy etc.

12. Silica ( Silicon Oxide) : A biochemic cleanser and eliminator , Silica is part of all connective tissue cells. It is indicated in all suppurative diseases to promote healing by throwing out harmful accumulates such as skin eruptions, abscesses, boils etc. In first stage of any eruption Ferrum Phos and Kali Mur should be given but if these salts fail to check the process, silica should be taken to ripen the abscess and promote its discharge. Silica is also beneficial for the normal health and strength of hair and nails.

The books on Biochemic systems of treatment are available in Homoeopathy Drug Stores and do not cost much. Any body can easily read and grasp the line of treatment. Besides ready combinations of these tissue salts for treatment of common ailments are marketed by drug manufacturing companies which are available in Homoeopathy Drug Stores. These combinations are numbered as Bio combination one to twenty eight.

Since the treatment is no way harmful even if it goes wrong, I hope this compilation on Biochemic Treatment will infuse some interest in the readers to try it themselves as well as spread to the others.

I f you have any comment please do write to me .